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Monday 16th May 2022 - Arrived safely, children are settling into their tents and are having a tour of the centre. All is well.

Tuesday 17th May 2022 - The pictures are today's message! How fantastic. The kids enjoyed the sunset as they set off on their night walk. 

Wednesday 18th May 2022 - We made popcorn, a campfire and we're shelter building. Having a fantastic time being outdoors in the sunshine and in the woods.

Thursday 19th May 2022 - The children's last full day at the Gordon Brown Centre. They will be doing the low ropes course as well as the blindfold course on a lovely summers day.

Friday 20th May 2022 - After a fantastic week at Gordon Brown, the children enjoyed their last couple of nights having a quiz night and a camp fire night. What a great way to end the week with some memorable moments shared with you.


Our website contains a wide variety of information and documents, if you would like a paper copy of any of these please contact the school office.

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