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Join the Family Plastic Challenge

At Roe Green Juniors we believe that a healthy school is one that is successful in helping pupils to do their best and build on their achievements. We are committed to ongoing improvement and development of children in all areas of their lives.

We promote physical and emotional health by providing accessible and relevant information and equipping pupils with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health and well being. Our school motto, ‘Be the Best You Can Be’, supports this ethos.

During our last OFSTED inspection, the extent to which our pupils adopt healthy lifestyles was considered to be ‘outstanding’. We continue to make this a priority in our school and encourage children to be both physically and mentally healthy.


Healthy living is explored through a variety of curriculum areas, such as, Science, PSHCE, PE and DT, as well as through themed days, visits and workshops.  For example, Year 3 undertake a healthy living day with the organisation ‘A-Life,’  which looks at diet and exercise to maintain a healthy body.

We are proud to incorporate cooking within our DT curriculum and have held an after school cookery club with Year 4 children.


Children complete self assessment evaluations of healthy living practises and through guidance, set themselves targets to reach.  These are available in the children’s student planners.  We encourage children to develop these skills both at home and at school.


Children should only be drinking water throughout the school day.  They are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school  which is easily accessible during class time.  Water fountains are situated in all the playgrounds for children to use at playtimes and PE lessons.  School water bottles are available to buy from the school office.

At playtimes children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack of  only fresh fruit or vegetables.  This does not include fruit bars, dried fruits or yogurts.


The dinner system offers a choice of foods which allows the pupils to exercise their knowledge of healthy eating.  Menus are displayed for the children and are available in leaflet format for the parents. The menu is in line with the National Food Standards for Schools.

It is just as important to make sure the lunch box provides a healthy balanced lunch.  This means plenty of foods that contain the nutrients that children need and fewer foods that are high in sugar and saturated fat. Crisps or a different treat may only be eaten on a Friday!


The School Meal Supervisors and Welfare Officer undertake spot checks on lunch boxes.

A balanced packed lunch should contain:

  • Starchy foods – bread, rice, potato, pasta, etc.

  • Protein foods – meat, fish, eggs, beans, etc.

  • Dairy item – cheese, yoghurt

  • Vegetable, salad or fruit

  • A drink of water

Here are some ideas to help you pack a balanced lunch:

  • Hard boiled chicken/quail's eggs, scotch/savoury egg,

  • Quiche, mini quiche or frittata.

  • Mini sausages, sausage roll, meat sticks

  • Fruit yogurt,

  • Greek/plain yogurt with seeds or berries

  • Cubes of cheese or pre-packed lunchbox sized cheese portion, cottage cheese with pineapple.

  • Dips: hummus, tzatziki, raita, cream cheese and plain yogurt.

  • Any combination of the following, in a small pot or bag: raisins, sultanas, pumpkin/sunflower seeds, ready to eat dried apricots, dates or prunes.

  • Whole fruits - satsuma, apple, banana, pear, peach, plum, grapes, strawberries etc. 

  • Fruit salad pot - any combination of prepared fruit: strawberries, orange, melon, mango, pineapple, kiwi etc.

  • Salad pot - any combination of prepared raw vegetables: cucumber, lettuce, pepper, celery, cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, mangetout, slices of avocado sprinkled with a little lemon juice etc. coleslaw

  • Salad meals such as pasta salad, rice salad, cous cous, potato salad, tabbouleh, roasted vegetables, lentil salad, quinoa etc.

  • Daal and rice

  • Chappati and curry

  • Baked items such as savoury muffin, cheesy corn trianglespizza slice, mini pasty, cheese and potato roll, croissant, samosa, pakora, spring roll etc

  • On cold days pack a flask of soup/daal to warm your children up

  • Meat sandwiches - wafer thin cooked meats, cubed chicken/turkey breast with tomato and lettuce, ham and cheese, roast chicken & hummus, leftover cold meats (chicken, turkey, meatloaf, sausages etc) with salad, chicken and mashed avocado, cold BLT.

  • Fish sandwiches - tuna mayo & sweet corn, tuna salad, sardine and tomato, fish paste and cucumber.

  • Veggie sandwiches - grated cheese, cheese spread, cream cheese, Quorn slices and salad, cottage cheese with pineapple, cheese and grated carrot with a little mayo, veggie sausages, vegetarian pate with cucumber, cheese and coleslaw, egg salad/egg mayo, cheese and pickle, Marmite, falafel etc.

  • Try to choose breads such as wholemeal, granary or multi-grain or try bagels, pitta bread or wholemeal wraps.

  • Breadsticks, rice cakes , wholemeal crackers.

Follow the link below for healthy menu ideas you can make at home.

Click on this link for suggestions for Healthy breakfast and Healthy packed lunch ideas


In addition to our PE curriculum we regularly participate in sporting festivals and training.  This includes visits by specialist sports coaches and other agencies.  We also offer a wide variety of sports clubs.

Children are encouraged to exercise in a variety of ways during playtimes. This includes the use of playground equipment, football and the adventure garden.

During the summer term the whole school participates in an early morning exercise session in the playground to music.  This is led by our head teacher, Ms Loosemore.  We have also provided an all female exercise class for parents and carers.

Reflection Time

Classes have the opportunity to use guided reflection CDs which help to calm the mind and give the children time to reflect and cool down.

Our website contains a wide variety of information and documents, if you would like a paper copy of any of these please contact the school office.

Roe Green Junior School
Princes Avenue


Contact Us
Tel No: 0208 204 5221
Tel No Extension: 2

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