At Roe Green Junior School, we believe that learning is most memorable for pupils when it is planned in a cross curricular way, enabling our pupils to make meaningful links throughout their learning. We offer a creative curriculum, accessible to all our diverse range of pupils, which is balanced and broadly based, promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development. It provides pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to be citizens in today’s modern society.
Our curriculum at Roe Green helps stimulate an appreciation of creativity and achievement. We are consistently exploring new ways to prepare our children to function in the world beyond the classroom. Wherever possible, we plan topics that have rich content using stimuli such as paintings, artefacts and places of interest as a starting point; we encourage our pupils to investigate rich and challenging issues and topics, often in the context of real world problems to develop their questioning skills. We bring learning to life for our pupils by linking trips and visits to our topics and provide opportunities for children to learn through hands on experiences. We work collaboratively to ensure that our curriculum engages all our learners and provides opportunities for deeper learning; we continually review our curriculum to enhance and respond to the children’s needs.
For more information please visit our year group pages or use the year group email address to ask for more details.
Year Group Email Address
Year 3: year3@rgjs.brent.sch.uk
Year 4: year4@rgjs.brent.sch.uk
Year 5: year5@rgjs.brent.sch.uk
Year 6: year6@rgjs.brent.sch.uk