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Welcome to Roe Green Junior School's Pupil Leadership page. This page is dedicated to our hard-working young boys and girls from Year 3-6 who are setting an example on a daily basis to fellow pupils, by being respectful to one another, helping fellow students with any problems and leading on important issues which affect our school and wider community.

Our School Council

This year as we are all operating within year group pods, our school council will be working as year group teams rather than in mixed year group committee groups. Meetings will take place as usual to enable the whole school council team to work together across school-wide and community-wide projects but these will be arranged to ensure social distance is adhered to.

Year 3

Abdullah - 3R
Sarah - 3G
Kian - 3J
Shahmeen - 3S

Year 4

​Mia - 4R
Vihani - 4G
Patrick - 4J
Mohammed Ahmed - 4S

Year 5

Alexandra - 5R
Rohan - 5G
Megh - 5J
Ruby - 5S

Year 6

Antonia - 6R
Megh - 6G
Melina - 6J
Priyan -6S

Our website contains a wide variety of information and documents, if you would like a paper copy of any of these please contact the school office.

Roe Green Junior School
Princes Avenue


Contact Us
Tel No: 0208 204 5221
Tel No Extension: 2

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